Curriculum: Stand Up! Speak Out!® Empowering Skills for Girls’ Friendships


Now available for purchase – our essential curriculum package for educators, counselors, youth program leaders and others who work with girls! The skills and activities are ideal for girls ages 8 to 13, and many activities can be modified for older and younger girls, as well as children of all genders.

Your purchase includes a Sixteen Session Lesson Plan.

These 30-minute lessons are easy to follow and implement – with an overview, supply list, and a detailed minute-by-minute breakdown of the instruction flow for each session. They also include page references from the original Stand Up! Speak Out!® Essential Curriculum so you can learn more about the research and insights being taught.

Included in the Curriculum Package are also helpful evaluation tools, to assess skill development and progress.

Interested in additional support? We offer Stand Up! Speak Out!™ Curriculum Training for educators.

*To order more than one curriculum package, or arrange international shipping, send an email to for a quote.

The essential curriculum for educators, counselors, youth program leaders and others who work with girls… what does it include?

  • Essential Curriculum: Stand Up! Speak Out!®  Empowering Skills for Girls’ Friendships book
  • Sixteen 30-minute lesson plans ready to be utilized in a classroom, after-school program, or youth group as needed
  • Skits for all genders, to be used for role-playing and practicing skills
  • Evaluation tools to help assess skill development and progress

Do you work with girls in or after school? Are you looking for group activities and skills to help girls develop strong friendships and emotional well-being? Do you want to empower girls to be bold bystanders who speak up and make a difference? Are you interested in encouraging girls in leadership? Would you like to increase social and emotional learning in your classroom or program? Stand Up! Speak Out!® can help!

We at the Institute for Girls’ Development recognize that you are on the front lines with girls and their families every day. Our role is a companion one – helping you help girls gain confidence, skills and practice for building relational resilience, solving relational conflicts, and being a leader who can stand up and speak out. As an industry leader in empowering girls via social, emotional, and cultural awareness and skills, we are excited to share this curriculum with you.

Stand Up! Speak Out!® introduces you to important research on girls’ development, hardiness, and relational resilience. It walks you through six modules of skills and activities developed over 20 years in our work with girls.  We’ve included many of the activities that have been most popular with girls, as well as most effective at supporting their empowerment. We’ve also included additional teaching tips and resources for group and classroom leaders. The included posters (8.5 “×11”) are useful as teaching tools and classroom reminders.

Modules for Stand Up! Speak Out!®

Seeing the Big Picture and Building Connection
Taking Care of the Emotional World: Skills for Self-Care and Calming
“They’re Being Mean!” Skills to Use When Girls Get Targeted
“Oops! Ouch!” Alternative Skills to Being Mean
“Not in the Middle!” Skills for Spoon-ish Situations
Influence for Good! Skills for the Bold Bystander
More Tips for Leaders and Teachers
Resources for Further Learning

Overview of the Sixteen Lesson Plans:

Lesson 1: Introduction to Stand Up! Speak Out! ®

Lesson 2: Being a Good Friend – My Friendship Superpowers

Lesson 3: Role Models

Lesson 4: Identity

Lesson 5:  Social Media

Lesson 6: Identifying Big Feelings

Lesson 7: Self Care for Big Feelings

Lesson 8: Empathy and Compassion

Lesson 9: Effective Communication When Conflicts Arise – Brave Talk

Lesson 10: How to Respond to Assertiveness

Lesson 11: When Conflicts Arise: Understanding the Roles

Lesson 12: Stand Up Skills for Targets

Lesson 13: Stand Up Skills for When You’re Feeling Frustrated

Lesson 14: Stand Up Skills for Bold Bystanders

Lesson 15: Stand Up Skills for When Your in the Middle

Lesson 16: Stand Up! Speak Out!® Reflections & Celebration!

Supplemental Activities

Friendship Skills Posters


Note from Dr. Johnson, author of Stand Up! Speak Out!®: As a psychologist and founder of the Institute for Girls’ Development as well as a former classroom teacher, I have had the privilege of working with girls and learning from them for over 30 years. The wisdom gained from listening, following the cutting edge research on girls and social and emotional learning, engaging in dialogue and teaching skills have all come together in our curriculum: Stand Up! Speak Out!® Empowering Skills for Girls’ Friendships!

We also offer the Stand Up! Speak Out!® Curriculum Training for educators, school counselors, program leaders, and others who work with girls ages 8 to 13. Reach to to for more information on this training.

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