Get Out!

Let the beauty we love be what we do
There are Hundreds of ways to kneel
and kiss the earth.

Rumi got this right — there really are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the earth! This summer, get creative with ways to combine your love of the earth with care for our bodies. Enjoy these activities with your kids!

ARTS, CRAFTS AND POETRY: Draw pictures; write words; make collages; do a dance — to tell the story of a plant, a rock, a patch of sunny ground, or the squirrels & birds in the trees. Frame the pictures and words. Or make a book. Display them in a special “celebrate the earth” place in your home.

LISTEN: Lie on the earth — in your yard, at the park. Feel the solid ground. And listen. How many different sounds do you hear? How many are nature sounds? What other sounds do you hear? Try this at different times of days. Does the ground feel different? Do the sounds change?

EAT MINDFULLY: Cook together! Prepare a meatless and/or organic meal. Dance while you set the table! Sing while you chop vegetables or fruit. Laugh! Eat mindfully — appreciating and commenting on the colors, tastes, smells, textures of the nourishing food you have prepared.

VISIT A BOTANICAL GARDEN: Explore the science and wonder of growing things. Many museums and botanical gardens offer free admission days. The LA County Arboretum and Botanical Garden is free every third Tuesday of the month. The Huntington Library & Botanical Garden is free the first Thursday of the month. Call ahead for required advanced tickets.


 Originally published in the Orange Cat Newsletter

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