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Hardiness Zones for Girls: Best Practices for Helping Girls Thrive at School & After School for Elementary and Middle School Educators, Program Facilitators & Mentors
July 9, 2013 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Hardiness Zones for Girls: Best Practices for Helping Girls Thrive at School & After School for Elementary and Middle School Educators, Program Facilitators & Mentors
Help girls get empowered & thrive!
Gain knowledge, skills, and practical tools for
• building hardiness, mindfulness, and social/emotional competencies
• supporting girls in their relational worlds and identity development
• advocacy and programming for girls
Breakout sessions, experiential learning opportunities, and cool tools!
Cost $130 (included materials, morning snack, and lunch)
Early bird special by June 21, 2013 ($120)
Training Institute Team:
To register, follow this link Hardiness Zones for Elementary & Middle School Educators, Program Facilitators & Mentors, E-mail SHulan@InstituteForGirlsDevelopment.com, or call 626.585.8075 ext. 151.
Also available: Training Retreats for your school, organization, or graduate students.