You have walked alongside your teen for so many important life events. Now the day has arrived to embark on the first year of college. You may be filled with […]
Angela Youngs, PsyD Teach hunger/fullness cues.Throughout the day, especially during meal and snack times, prompt your children to check in with their bodies. Are they hungry? How do they know? […]
How can I support my child (and myself) in being more body positive? By Angela Youngs, Psy.D. Postdoctoral Fellow Supervised by Vicki Chiang, Psy.D. (PSY21136) Model positive self talk. We’re […]
POSTPARTUM MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES [engine_spacer] Postpartum Support International (PSI) Hotline in English and Spanish: 800-944-4773 The National Women’s Health Information Center 800-944-9662 Maternal Mental Health Now […]
POSTPARTUM MENTAL HEALTH MYTHS VERSUS FACTS Myth: Very few women experience baby blues. Fact: Approximately 70% – 80% of women will experience, at a minimum, the baby blues; about […]
Announcing our expanded Perinatal & Postpartum Program! We know how beautiful, frustrating, exciting and exhausting it can be to begin the parenthood journey. Our compassionate therapists offer unique support […]
Dr. Johnson discusses 4 tips to help find the right therapist for you:
Helping Your Daughter Navigate Her First Year of College with Dr. Melissa Johnson: ? For more information on teens visit
The day has finally arrived. You have spent many waking hours working on college applications, writing personal statements, completing the SATs, and deciding which college you are going to attend. […]
This list of resources is a companion to the articles found here: Navigating Your First Year in College and Helping Your Daughter Successfully Navigate Her First Year of College, by Monica Valdivia Aguilar, […]