Girls have all kinds of strengths. Hopefully, over the next years, your daughter will have a chance to explore many things. Through school programs, after school programs, and at-home activities, […]
As some of you may know, I’m a woman with a couple of jobs–my part time job as a Marriage and Family Therapist here at the Institute and my full-time […]
Recommendations by Kris Vreeland Head of the Children’s Book Department at Vroman’s Bookstore, Pasadena, CA Click on a book to find it at! All the World by Liz Garton Scanlon […]
More and more research supports the benefits of yoga for adults and children. For children, the benefits include having fun in their bodies, gaining body awareness, and engaging the body […]
These poems were written by Mattie J. T. Stepanek, a very inspiring boy who wrote poems and advocated for people to treat each other peacefully and with love. You can […]
Stimulates awareness of one’s surroundings and concentration Have you ever taken the time to look at the colors nature offers? We often think of green as the color synonymous with […]
Stimulates relaxation and exploration It’s springtime! Trees are stretching and yawning. Buds are pecking. Birds are gathering materials and building nests. Seeds are seeking sunshine and sprouting. Awaken a new […]
Turning fairy tale characters into strong and confident girls and women: We know that reading stories to our children makes a difference for all kinds of reasons. Try this: When […]
Encourage Dress Up and Make Believe Play: Collect dress up clothes and items that represent different types of people and various future careers. Yard sales, thrift shops, friends and your […]
This is a fun and helpful game for car trips and walks in the park! Have your daughter (or son) name all the people that love her or him. The […]