The other day as I was rushing through the morning to get my 4 year old prepared for a day at summer camp when I realized in a moment of frustration that I had been repeating the same request over and over again without any follow through from him… a frustrating situation indeed for me (and for him since my response was anything but positive). Ever find yourself in a situation like this? I realized that I had fallen back into some old patterns of communicating that simply were not effective. Once I was able to get grounded and calm I remembered all the amazing tools I have learned from Calmer, Easier, Happier Parenting (CEHP) – by Noël Janis-Norton.
I was introduced to Noel’s work a few years ago when I attended a talk she gave about her program. I went to the workshop with the intention of learning about a new resource to pass on to my clients here at the Institute. Little did I know that learning about CEHP would also enhance my own personal life as a parent. What I love about Noel’s talk was not just that she was engaging, funny, and relatable, but that she made every single skill DOABLE. I left feeling empowered as both a therapist and a parent. I am delighted that Noël and the Institute for Girls’ Development are collaborating together to offer her introductory course here on Sunday October 20th from 2-4. Click this link to find out more and to register. We hope to see you there!