Book Review: Does This Pregnancy Make Me Look Fat? by Claire Mysko and Magali Amadei

Welcome to the New and Young Families Corner! In the months to come Vicki Chiang, PsyD and I will be bringing you some great new resources, including book reviews, articles on topics related to the exciting and challenging transition to family-hood, and fun activities to do with your wee ones.
This month, I’m excited to share a review of a must-read for moms and moms to-be; Does This Pregnancy Make Me Look Fat? by Claire Mysko (a friend of the Institute) and Magali Amadei. It truly is “The Essential Guide to Loving Your Body Before and After Baby.” Ever heard a new mother say (or as a new mother thought to yourself), “I just want my old body back”? Through interviews with other mothers and personal insight and exploration, Claire and Magali bring us new ways to think critically about the shoulds so often associated with the radical physical transformation that is pregnancy and childbirth. They help us find acceptance, and ultimately to love the new body. Most recently, the book received the 2010 National Health Information Award. To learn more about author Claire Mysko and other ways she is helping girls and women love their bodies, check out her website!


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