Announcing our expanded Perinatal & Postpartum Program!
We know how beautiful, frustrating, exciting and exhausting it can be to begin the parenthood journey. Our compassionate therapists offer unique support and resources to assist women in gently finding their way through the many stages of starting or growing a family.
Our expanded Perinatal and Postpartum Program offers a comprehensive array of services for women and families:
- Individual therapy
- Dyadic (parent and child) therapy
- Motherhood Journey, our skill-based therapy support group
- Parent consultation
View our new Perinatal and Postpartum Program flier.
The Perinatal and Postpartum Program Team:

Myth: Very few women experience baby blues.
Fact: Approximately 70% – 80% of women will experience, at a minimum, the baby blues; about 20% will experience the more severe postpartum depression and its other subtypes.
Myth: Postpartum depression begins directly after birth.
Fact: It is believed that 50% of women who develop postpartum depression actually began experiencing symptoms during pregnancy. This supports the case for early symptom recognition, awareness, and access to treatment.
Myth: As long as a mother is not experiencing sadness, lack of energy, depressive thoughts, and other postpartum depression symptoms, she is fine.
Fact: Although the term “postpartum depression” is often used, there is actually a spectrum of disorders that can affect mothers during pregnancy and postpartum, including perinatal anxiety, perinatal obsessive-compulsive disorder, perinatal post-traumatic stress disorder, perinatal bipolar disorder, and postpartum psychosis. Symptoms for these conditions can include obsessive thoughts, inability to sleep, hyperarousal, paranoia, periods of mania,
delusions, and hallucinations.
Myth: Postpartum depression is something only moms experience.
Fact: It is estimated that about 10% of new fathers experience depression symptoms during the postpartum period. The condition may begin gradually in men during the first 12 months of a child’s life. While men may cope with their symptoms differently than women do, postpartum depression in men produces similar symptoms such as depression, guilt, lack of sleep, loss of interest in social or other activities, and difficulty concentrating on tasks. Men may also experience feelings of irritability, frustration and anxiety.
Myth: I have never experienced depression or had any mental health issues in the past, therefore I am not at risk.
Fact: For half of women diagnosed with postpartum depression, this is their first episode of depression

Weekly Therapy Group for New Mothers
Thursdays, 10:30am – 12pm
Join other new mothers for open conversations in a safe, nurturing environment. We understand this journey can entail tremendous transitions, new stressors, and changes in mood, functioning, and close relationships.
Our experienced group facilitators will offer support and guidance
about what to expect and how to overcome parenting struggles
related to changes in mood or anxiety during and after pregnancy.
You’ll benefit from camaraderie, skill building, understanding and support.
Recommended Resource: Baby Blues versus Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorder, By Sushi Frausto, MFT#101031
To learn more, view our flier and contact 626-585-8075 ext. 108.
Postpartum Support International (PSI)
Hotline in English and Spanish: 800-944-4773
The National Women’s Health Information Center
Maternal Mental Health Now
A Los Angeles-based organization committed to education families and professionals about postpartum mental health
Postpartum Progress
An informational webpage and blog created by a survivor of postpartum anxiety and OCD
Postpartum Dads
A website to support dads through the postpartum process
This Isn’t What I Expected / Karen Kleiman, MSW and Valerie Raskin, M.D.
Beyond the Blues: A Guide to Understanding and Treating Prenatal and Postpartum Depression / Pec Indman, MFT and Shoshanna Bennett, PhD
The Mother to Mother Postpartum Depression Support Book / Sandra Poulin
Down Came the Rain: My Journey Through Postpartum Depression / Brooke Shields
Beyond the Baby Blues: Anxiety and Baby Blues During and After Pregnancy / Rebecca Fox Starr
When Postpartum Packs a Punch: Fighting Back and Finding Joy / Kristina Cowan
The Postpartum Husband: Practical Solutions for Living with Postpartum
Depression / Karen Kleiman, MSW

Interested in group therapy?
We offer strength-based therapy for individuals, groups, couples and families. Comprehensive assessments – psychological, neuropsychological, academic, and cognitive – are available as well.
Call us at 626-585-8075 ext. 108 or email MMueller@IFGD.care.