Journaling Ideas

Journals are awesome for expressing our creativity, learning about ourselves, venting feelings, and working towards our dreams. Many girls enjoy keeping journals. When I asked some girls I know what they thought about having a Journaling Idea section here, they asked me to include some of their ideas. So, here goes:

What kinds of journals have you kept in your life? Some girls keep journals about:
• feelings and thoughts
• troubles and worries
• dreams
• accomplishments
• relationships
• favorite quotes
• lyrics of favorite songs
• goals
• all of the above

Think about your ideal journal for right now:

• Is it a three-ring binder, a composition book, a sketch book, a photo album with construction paper pages?
• What size pages?
• Are they lined or blank?
• Do you make an original cover – out of cloth, collage, handmade paper, photographs, bits of string and trinkets?
• Is the cover textured or a favorite color?
• How is your journal organized? (Some girls organize their journals by theme like: friendship, family, school, dreams. Others just let the journal flow with whatever needs to be written about.)
• Does your journal have a name?
• Write down words and phrases that come to mind about what you would like your journal to be like – on the inside and the outside.
• Write a “Dear Journal” letter to introduce yourself to your journal; express your hopes for your journal.
• Write (or make a collage) about a time when you were strong, capable, supportive, persistent, hopeful, brave, helpful, spoke your truth, believed in a friend, or felt powerful.
• Write, draw, or make a collage about a time when someone believed in you, encouraged you, cheered for you.
• Write a story about a person (or persons) who helped you grow strong.

Journals can be made up of words you write, collages, drawings, sketches, poems, song lyrics, photographs, and combinations of all of these. Check out the book called Spilling Open: The Art of Becoming Yourself by Sabrina Ward Harrison. She’s a young woman who has actually published her journal.

Magazines and web sites:
Visit New Moon magazine and web site: This is a magazine and site by and for girls and their dreams. Have fun!

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