These are some resources for parents dealing with girls’ changing social world. Clicking on the books will take you to their ordering pages on For Parents of Elementary School […]
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me.” That old adage just isn’t true. Teasing, name calling, gossip, rumors, exclusion, and betrayal are forms of […]
When our daughters share about their social traumas and dramas, we have many reactions. And, we want to respond in helpful ways. But oh, the things that get in the […]
The social world of girls–full of such joy, promise, and drama! What can parents and other caring adults do to help girls develop their skills for dealing with conflict & […]
Cliques, popular girls, mean girls, rumors, gossip, exclusion, “behind my back,” secrets, bullying, whispering, being “in,” name-calling, glaring, “she turned her back,” being left out, bossy, being uninvited. When we […]
The Social World of Girls, Part 1 by Melissa J Johnson, PhD The Social World of Girls & Doing Our Own Work, Part 2 by Melissa J Johnson, PhD The Social […]