The door to our study is covered with decorative paper. A box of colored pens sit nearby. Drawings and words tell the stories of “new things we’ve done.” Learning a […]
Let the beauty we love be what we do There are Hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the earth. Rumi Rumi got this right — there really are hundreds […]
These are some resources for parents who want to help their daughters learn to think critically about the messages in advertising and media. Clicking on the books will take you […]
Concerned that your children spend too much time “wired”? Research shows that the average youth (ages 8 – 18) spends 45 hours a week with media! That’s an intense relationship! […]
45 hours a week with media–that’s the average for youth ages 8 to 18. Compare that to 9 hours a week exercising. And, do the math, this is way more […]
Welcome to the New and Young Families Corner! In the months to come Vicki Chiang, PsyD and I will be bringing you some great new resources, including book reviews, articles […]